Inner Mind

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When Petunia took over the management of the 50 acre property that borders on thousands of acres of protected wilderness, the first thing she had focused on was contacting the caretaking Spirit Beings of this area. These resident Beings had welcomed her engagement and had pointed out to her a natural rock circle surrounded by mature oak trees, that was a portal to other dimensions. It was so overgrown by the native ground plants and bushes that she never would have found it on her own.

Prof Bolo brought in a team of energetic young people to make a trail into the area, clean off the rocks, exposing the imposing moss covered Beings, and clip back the plants around and between them, to create a circular clearing. They had made a fire pit in the center of the clearing and some stone tables for holding inscence burners and sacred objects. The Spirit Guides had no objections to the lawn chairs Petunia suggested for the comfort of the humans. Prof Bolo's students had left ample supplies of firewood, hand hewn from fallen trees in the surrounding area.

Petunia had spent many hours in this magical clearing, meditating and doing shamanic journeying. As she followed the instructions provided by her guides, she restored the sacred ground where Beings from different dimensions could gather and see and understand one another. Tonight was the first meeting to happen in this magical circle. The Portal Caretaking Spirit Guides had arranged the meeting, extending invitations to the local Wise One or Overlighting Nature Spirit, the spirit beings of some of the plants they were working with, some Spirit Healers, herself and Prof Bolo.

Petunia and Prof Bolo arrive at the circle as dusk is falling over the land. Prof Bolo engages with making a fire while Petunia sets out some insence burners and ignites the cleansing herbs. When all is set, they settle into their lawn chairs, breathe, and center into the present moment.

It does not take long for the invited Beings to start arriving. The Wise One comes first, announcing his Presence with a comforting, reassurring energy, before he enters their line of vision as a Being of Light, not only glowing himself, but casting light throughout the circle area, but no further, defining the sacred space. Petunia can immediately see the fairy bodies of the spirits of the four directions, each swaying above their rock, that serves as their marker. She welcomes East with new hope, new dawn on her brow and in her heart. South with its vibrant growing, manifesting energy, laughter, joy and beauty. West brings the harvest and the satisfaction and rest after a job well done. North is the place of deep mystery, deep healing and recombobulation.

The four directions hold the space for the gathering. Beyond them, Petunia is aware of the oaks in their role as guardians. She feels well protected.

Petunia's heart fills with wonder at the arrival of the Healers. The three of them appear simultaneously within the circle. One is of human ancestry, a first nations Medicine Woman, appearing in her traditional ceremonial, elaborately decorated clothing. One is a star being, with the beautiful conical face shape and luminous eyes of some of the alien races, above a willowy wavy body, while the third is from the angelic realms, luminous wings folded behind his back.

Petunia is well aware that these are spirit beings, assuming these forms for the sake of this inter dimensional meeting, that what she is seeing is unique to her perception and understanding. Prof Bolo may see these same beings as completely different characters or personalities.

The Wise One establishes a mind link among the Spirit Healers and the humans. The Medicine Woman and the Starperson Healer are both familiar to Petunia from previous encounters. She exchanges affectionate greetings with them. The Angelic Being, however, is a surprise to her. As their minds intermingle, he explains his presence at this meeting.

For time ever since life began to form within the body of Earth, he had been one of the overseeing, guiding spirits of plant growth. Now that both plant and human consciousness have evolved to their present state, he is being assigned to other duties. However, he has some insights he would like to offer us and is happy to continue serving as mentor or consultant. The day to day work with the plants is now being left to humans.

And whatever other helping spirits are working with us, Petunia adds to herself.

"This is an amazing shifting of responsibilities onto unsuspecting humans," she says out loud.

"Oh, you'll do just fine. The plants seem up for the challenge. Ask Hogweed, when you see her. She is a great advocate of team efforts among humanity."

"And you really think plants can get through to beaurocrats?" Prof Bolo asks.

"Just look at Dr. Oz," the Angelic guide advises.

"Keep in touch," he tells Petunia, giving her an engelic hug before winking out of the portal back to his own dimension.

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