Inner Mind


May 2011

Putting a Spin On Things

Dear Friends,

It was in a recent conversation that my friend commented, in response to something I said, "Well, that certainly puts a different spin on things."

It had been a while since I had heard that phrase used

and it kept recurring to my mind over the following days.

When a reporter or writer gives an interpretation of an event or a comment by an influential person, they are putting a spin on things.

It is interesting: that spiders and silkworms, who are the spinners of the natural world, produce a liquid substance in their bodies that hardens into a thread when it is exposed to air.

Similarly, the "liquid" emotion or intention of a human reaction, aired to self or other human minds, produces a "solid" thought form that takes on a life of its own.

Energy follows thought.

When I was in my teenage years, I was an insatiable reader.

My childhood home did not have a television or sterio and the radio was on for ten minutes in the morning, to wake my father up for work and inform him of the weather forcast for the day. Computers were not even in the ordinary life picture then.

So, reading was not only an escape from daily life, it was also a source of insight into the cultures, lifestyles and thinking of people who were different from me.

I loved those early classical literature books where the author gave the view point of the hero as well as that of the "villain" and then finally told about how "God" viewed the happenings. Both the hero and the villain felt justified in what they were doing and "God" interceded on behalf of the "good" which is what defined the hero from the villain, both of whom were equally ignorant of the "true" picture of what was happening.

Often, the resulting action in the story seemed incredibly funny to me.

More modern writers dropped "God" from their stories and bytimes used the villain as the hero. What would traditionally be considered as "dispicable characters" were exposed through their life experiences and thinking processes as "trying their best" and acting in the only way that made sense to them.

I stopped reading fictional novels when I came to the conclusion that the message in them was the same: people were simply trying to do the best they could, given the circumstances of their life.

This then, became the spin I put on things.

Whenever I encountered anyone in my life that annoyed me or was doing something I found repulsive or harmful, I would try to imagine how they perceived what it was they were doing, what motivated them, how they justified their actions to themselves.

While "God" may have disappeared as a viewpoint from modern novels, He remained as a viewpoint in my imaginings about the world, and this "God-spin" has become the main source of my sense of humour.

I remember when I came across some writing about the teachings of some Pervuvian shamans who recognize a nineth chakra or energy vortex of the human system that is a "distance" from our bodies, out in the universal fields.

They called it the cosmic laughter chakra.

In fact, I have experienced this cosmic laughter.

I was sitting on my back door step feeling very miserable one day after a terrible arguement, praying for whatever help or understanding was available to me, when all I got in my brain was laughter. The contrast of this response with the misery I was feeling shifted me to a state where I was beyond both, not identifying with either.

I became the "puppet", the "instrument", the "hollow bone", that "channel" that the soul energies were flowing through to manifest what they needed to happen on the physical plain, for my soul's growth highest good of all possibility.

When you put the spin on your life, that you are in the right place and time for your highest good, how does this shift your sense of yourself in your life?


