Inner Mind

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The upper and lower worlds are places of unconditional love and light, truthfulness, harmlessness, harmony, good humour, all-inclusiveness, all-knowingness. In other words, God reigns supreme in these spirit realms. They are accessible to all. They interact with all beings, whether we are conscious of their involvement or not, whether they are part of our stories of what life is about or not.

Spirit worlds are limited in their involvement with us by the free will of human beings. The more we attune our wills to co operate and work with them, the more they, in turn, can help us overcome our life's challenges, enlighten and heal us.

Evil, disease, fear, anger, suffering and harmful spirits and beings only exist in the middle world. This is the challenge of being in this physical plane earth life, what we are here to deal with, to heal or transmute, first in our selves and then in the web or tapestry we are a part of. These negative or painful energies, forces, thought forms, and actions are our teachers and incentives to change, heal, and grow through time, to come into the full realization of our wellness and wholeness. In timelessness, our souls are already whole perfect pieces of individual divinity. Manifestation is the way of experiencing this. To fully consciously appreciate the light, we must know what the darkness is, and then choose of our own free wills to come into the light, to be kind and non-harming and loving and full of life.

As souls, we choose to come into earth life in the middle world to learn some lessons or pursue a purpose for our soul's growth. In doing so, we take on a little bit of the planetary evil, karma, darkness, disease, what ever you want to call that which causes pain and suffering. By coming into a physical plane body, we limit our view of the larger picture, some doing so more than others for what their purpose of this lifetime is. Hence the different notions of reality. However, we do not take on challenges that we do not have the potential to overcome and we are always provided with help from the the spirit realms, and potential for greater help and healing if we engage our wills with spirit worlds. We do this most basically through prayer and meditation or some spiritual practice, and acting as if our thoughts and intentions are real, being as loving as we can to ourselves and all beings in our lives.

It is through our creative imaginations that we consciously access spirit help and guidance, which can have effects on the physical plane that defy consensus reality and appear to be miracles.

Miracles are real too.

May spirit blessings be with you.

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