September 2010
Dear Friends,
Last month, I did a long drive to visit friends and family. As I was preparing for
this odyssey, many thoughts went through my mind, not least of which was the sheer lunacy of driving thousands of
miles along hot dusty highways to highly populated areas when my own beautiful wild nature home place was coming
into its most perfect time of year when ticks and bugs were finally gone, my garden was in the prime of its
production and the lake was ideal for swimming. Obviously I had conceived of the idea for this trip in the middle
of winter!
However, arrangements were made, people were
expecting me and common sense told me that this was the only such opportunity in the
foreseeable future, to visit friends and family members in their homes, to spend time with my grandchildren, as
well as nieces and nephews who are young adults now with new life partners and the first baby of the next
generation in their family.
It was interesting, to travel through diverse environments, spending a few days
here and there, catching glimpses of individual people's lives.
It may be that the big picture of life on earth, as presented by the media, is
bleak. Certainly, I am grateful that crawling along the highway in bumper to bumper traffic is not part of my daily
However, the vistas on either side of this highway and the ravines beneath it, the
sky above it and steep surrounding hillsides harboring native plant and animal life are alive and well and
thriving. My sister took me for walks along pathways with gorgeous native plant beings. We saw rabbits and coyotes
in the “wilds” of this densely populated area permeated by the sound of constant traffic noise. There are many
tiny front and back yards overgrown with vibrant plants offering refuge for birds and bees and butterflies. There
are peaceful neighborhoods with individual spirit and character tucked in behind the highways
and strip malls. There are parks and community gardens.
And there are people who are settled and rooted in their communities that they
enjoy and care for. The most heart warming and hope inducing are the young people who animate the space around them
with bright shining energy and joy of life.
It is very encouraging to see how people are responding to the challenges of these
interesting times, making conscientious choices that benefit all beings, being kind and creative in the place and
situation they are in. Loving and nurturing those around them, especially the new life of human babies and plant
and animal beings.
I came home with renewed appreciation of the human
spirit, great hope for our future and trust that the universe is unfolding as it
should. The healing and rebalancing of life on earth is happening moment by moment in the small daily thoughts and
acts of individual lives.