Inner Mind


Winter Solstice 2010

Dear Friends,

Solstice Greetings!

Here in the mid latitudes of the northern hemosphere, winter solstice is a time of short days with beautiful mellow light. Long hours of darkness encourage inside activities, many of which include gatherings with others for companionship and celebration.

It is a good time to also draw within oneself for some reflection.

Contemplate the events of the past turning of the Earth and what presents itself to your heart and mind. Release what no longer serves you and consider what you would like to see change and manifest in the coming year.

Remember that energy follows thought. It is not the experiences you have but the stories you tell yourself about them that matter.

This solstice is an especially potent one since it is happening on the full moon with an eclipse of the moon besides. The cosmic powers are sending some special energy our way!

May you use your intention and creative imagination to engage with this for the Highest Good of your Self and All.

Best wishes and blessings,

